Hello one and all, and if you manage to get past this first sentence, thank you for reading.
This is my first blog and what I hope to achieve with this is something that runs along side the book I have just written (Live Audio: the art of mixing a show available on Focal Press at the end of November 2010).
The book is all about my experiences as an audio engineer over the last 15 years and tries to incorporate real world examples of situations I’ve been in. This will hopefully help you take away a better understanding of listening and the thought processes of being a live audio engineer.
Now that the bit about the book out the way, what now? Well, Exciting times are ahead ladies and gentlemen. I’ll be introducing a new website to come online shortly, and I’ve been brain storming and coming up with ideas for future projects, so keep your eyes peeled for these as they start to be developed cause these are all for you and they’ll need your input so you get the best out of them.
That’s it for now, have fun